BLOG-MAS Day 4+5//TBG Pt. 1


PN Production//The Beginners Guide

to taking the "weird" out of interacting with clients


As a new photographer it can be EXTREMELY discouraging when you have to interact with new clients. We generally gravitate towards simply shooting our friends and family, because it is safe and familiar, but honey...if you are going to make this a career you need to shake out the jitters and just you know...DO IT. 

Im about to give you some tips on how to make the process so much easier, so that by the time your session with your client comes around you will feel like they are your long lost family members.






When it comes to couples one rule of thumb I use is to really get to know them is to figure out what kind of couple they are. Not every couple is cookie cutter, sips on tea in the afternoon, and has brunch on Sundays. 


- Figure out what they like to do for fun, what hobbies they have and what their ideal date would be. This can come in handy when you personalize their location for their session. They can get super comfortable in this type of atmosphere and you will get authentic portraits that are true to who they are. 

- MUSICS!!! This one is one of my favorites. I recently did an engagement session and I asked the bride to be what some of their favorite songs were. I created a playlist on my phone and brought my wireless bluetooth speaker to the session and it was a majestic experience. 

- If you book your sessions WAY in advance you can also meet up with the couple at least once or twice just to hear about them and what kind of couple they are + how they met. 

- When it comes to the men in the session have him interact with his girl friend/wife, this can be anything from dancing with her, telling her a joke to get her to laugh, or even an intimate embrace. We will get to posing on another blog me I GOT YOU.


This is an entirely different world to begin with because models and bloggers are used to being in front of the camera. They know what they want and it is your job as a photographer to amplify their vision and bring more to the session than they expected.

- When approached ask them what their style or vision is for their session. Get with them at a local coffee shop and go over ideas you have and some that they have and come up with a concept. Bloggers typical have outfits, and materials in mind and usually need help with the location.

- Once you have a grounded concept in mind, create visuals that will help you and them see the direction you plan to take the session. Pinterest is a great tool to help with that, create a board and add them as a collaborator. I did an entire session based off of my love of boho festival season fashion and put an editorial twist on it - you can see more of that on my MODELS EXPERIENCE page.

- Another tip that I know most photographers typically do not do is show their clients some BOC (Back Of Camera) shot, this is a great way to show them that they are freakin amazing and the session is going to turn out magical. 



This was my first love, because pregnant people are majestic, I mean come on these women are creating a mind stays blown when I think about it. Moms to be typically are not feeling like themselves and it is our job to show them just how beautiful they are.


- Be sensitive to their wants and needs, as an expect mother - taking their maternity portraits is a memory that they will cherish forever.

- Ask what kind of session they want and hone in on their answers, not all maternity sessions are in a long gown in the middle of the woods with a flower crown. Some women want a more intimate session with their significant other in their home laying on the couch.

- Just like models and bloggers, collaboration is key. Most momma's to be already have their Pinterest boards full of ideas and visions, use that as inspiration for the session.

- If maternity is going to be your overall niche and the focus of your photography business then you may want to look into investing in maternity gowns that you can offer as loaners during the session. As well as asking them if they would like hair + make up included in their session. Sometimes mama's wanna feel like a goddess too.


Overall confidence in your craft

+ getting to know your clients is


This will essentially make the jitters fade and the excitement rise. This is your passion and there is no need to be nervous about what your skills are love.

I will elaborate on more on each of these niches/categories in future blogs to come :)

Till then if you have any tips leave them in the comments below

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