hello, I’m paola nicole ☾



My website used to be a place where I would strictly focus on attracting business for my photography and marketing consulting but as of lately my heart has been going in a different direction. I want to use this platform to connect with everyone on a deeper level and post what inspires me and makes me happy. WITH the goal to just always remain as creative as possible. Enough of the deep stuff though,

I’d like to say that ​I’m a self-proclaimed coffee shop connoisseur looking for the next best vanilla latte artist, occasional podcast host (love that journey for us) and a published poet/author of The Closet Poets’ Interlude (You can get your copy HERE). I am currently working on my second book to be released later this year, you can catch glimpses of what it will be like throughout my website on the blog and the quick note sections.

my writing is inspired by things i have personally gone through. moments that have made me question my path in life, and experiences i have been in.
If you want to get to know me a little more stick around. If you want to work with me, fill out info here.


​ Right now I am more focused on writing, for myself…you know mini poems and…the occasional inspirational blog post. I love empowering other people to realize that their dreams are possible, and if anyone says other wise then tell them to kick rocks; because who’s to say what you CAN and cant accomplish

- as you read this make yourself a promise to take the word CANT out of your vocabulary -