I know it's a bit late in the night and the day is almost over but this was weighing on my heart...
to the young girls still navigating their way through what they think life is all about, I am here to tell you that it will only get crazier, the boys will only get more complicated and you will still change your mind about absolutely everything. but my little loves of the world keep dreaming, you are not done growing, you will make mistakes and you feel like life is falling apart. You will get there, you will figure it out. Find your girl gang, your tribe, your guiding lights to help you get through it.
to my business babes, who keep trying to figure out where they stand in the corporate world, the ones running their businesses 24/7 while still trying to find time to shave their legs...you boss babes are so inspiring and motivating. Never stop reaching for more, but make sure that it feels right, and serves a purpose because the money is great and the recognition feels amazing but please do not ever forget to take care of yourself, and to celebrate the small milestones that lead to the bigger goals...because you are killing it always...even when it feels like the whole world is weighing on your shoulders.
to my mama's out there, raising a family and taking care of everything at the home front please know that you do not go unappreciated. No one sees your struggles and the daily battle you face trying to figure out if you are doing enough for those around you. I see you, I celebrate you. You are doing more than any of us could possibly imagine. So take a moment while you read this to sit down and take a deep breathe, the dishes will be there, the toys aren't going anywhere and while your precious little ones are asleep go ahead and pour a glass and toast to yourself, because you are what keeps the world around you stable, you are the rock and the back bone of it all. I salute you.
to my dreamers, my over achievers and my wandering creative souls. Continue you paint the picture of what it means to be a true free spirit. Be the ray of sunshine in someones day and please for the love of all that is good in the world NEVER let them tell you that you dream to big, that your goals are so far fetched that it will never happen. You are just as important as the girl killing it working that 9 to 5 job, your work is in a spiritual and creative field and you were put on this earth to make others feel happy through your craft.
as women we have such an important role to play on this earth and we must unite in order to spread that message no matter what form it may be in. So I ask you to take a moment and compliment one another, smile at the girl who looks like she is having an off day. If you love what someone is doing, wearing, or accomplishing in their lives go ahead and make it known. Imagine if we all stopped "hating" on each other and started coming together, imagine the impact that would have on our younger generation.
No matter what day it is, it is always a good day to let your light shine upon others. Today is especially for you. Happy International Women's day to you my loves.