It's time to COLLABORATE loves//


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I am seriously beyond thrilled to finally be able to announce my collaboration, I feel like one of those YouTubers who finally announce what brands they will be collaborating with, BUT mines is with the


I have talked about her before on my blog and social media before. She is the brain behind my website design and branding. She literally took my ideas, coached me through my WHY and helped me hone in on who my TRIBE is. I cannot express enough how much she has changed the way I view my worth in my work, and that is honestly the most valuable thing to me. 

SO let me ask you...

Discover & share this The Office GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

How many of you are in the middle of a business venture? 

How many of you have a message, story or testimony to tell others but have absolutely no idea how to convey that in a way that is eye catching?

Do you know who your tribe is? And do you know what you can do to meet their needs? 

What is your WHY?

Do you know how to capture your authenticity in your business and visuals?

Discover & share this Identity GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

What is the point of hashtags and why are they so damn important?

Can't keep up all these different platforms, how do you juggle it all, or should you just focus on one and stick to it.

How the hell do you get your audience engagement up, and give people amazing content that they can resonate with while also staying true to who you are as a brand, business, and person overall?

If you answered any of these questions with "I honestly do not know but I want to find out" then you are in for a HUGE treat!!!



Discover & share this Jason Witten GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.


This workshop will cover all of those questions and more, and it is seriously going to be amazing. I might be a bit biased because I have gone through all of these different questions before, and let the doubt and fear of not knowing keep me from reaching my full potential and honestly sometimes you just need that little extra push and information to get you in the right direction. This is where Bri comes in, with so many years of experience, personal trial and error and so many babes that she has helped and continues to help, her work truly speaks for itself.

Check out her ever growing tribe on  #IAMTRENDSETTER

Where do I come in, in all of this you ask -

Discover & share this So You Think You Can Dance GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

I will be one of the mentors during this Social Media Makeover. I will be covering the visual aspects of authenticity and explaining how words play a huge role when it comes to getting your message across without being pushy or invasive to keep those people in your tribe wanting more.



A few topics I will be talking about//

Discover & share this The Goldbergs GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

- Combine your everyday life, business and add that element of visual to take it up a notch

- authenticity vs automated (no more generic, what everyone else is doing, make it unique and make it your’s a glimpse into who you really are and what you believe in and love)

- Showcasing the benefits of what your business has blessed you with without directly posting about your brand + Think about how your photos can put a visual on what you love or believe in


That is only a taste of what I will cover, and I know what you are probably thinking...Oh you're probably just going to tell us what to do and let us go on our way. BUT HONEY that is the last thing we want to do, the point of this workshop is to teach you, inspire you, and guide you through how you can implement it all to match your WHY, your VOICE, your AESTHETIC, and your PURPOSE.


This is an intimate collaborative workshop between us and you, we are here for you and the information you will receive is invaluable and I know this because I went through it myself and I stay inspired daily to help those around and use my social media platforms in a much more rewarding way. 

If you are ready to invest in yourself and your business + branding then you will NOT want to miss out on this opportunity.

Mark your calendars for March 24, 2018 and keep on the look out for exact times and location.

In the meantime head over to our Instagram accounts to stay in the loop!