Intro // The Girl Behind The Blog
Hi loves!
Let’s get a bit more personal and by personal I mean let’s get all up in my business. You might have stumbled upon my site, clicking around wondering to yourself…who is the girl behind PN Productions? & if you weren’t thinking that, then well I’m going to tell you anyways since you’re already here lol.
PN stands for Paola Nicole which is my name, but… I go by Lala, so nice to formally/informally meet you. I am… as you can guess a photographer, been shooting since I was about 12 years old and I am pretty much all self-taught, you can say Skill Share & YouTube have been my best friends. When I’m not shooting, you can typically catch me at my favorite coffee shop in town writing my life away, eating macaroons on the couch with my cats, at church or at the airport off to my next random location for a weekend getaway. I’d like to say that I’m a self-proclaimed coffee shop connoisseur looking for the next best vanilla latte artist, and a published poet/author of The Closet Poets’ Interlude…writing that was kind of crazy, still can’t believe I published a book.
Anywho…Photography is only a piece of what I do, but my business is truly driven by my desires to want to inspire and empower those around me to see their true beauty, and full potential in life. I create an experience that allows my clients to step outside of themselves and that allows them to see what I see when I am behind the lens. I want to cater to what inspires my clients and what they aspire to become, because beauty starts from within and photography is such a powerful reminder that when you look at your images you aren’t lost, you have the most incredible light shining through you, and fuck what society has to say about the standard of what normal is. Have you seen how gorgeous you are, stop what you’re doing right now and go look in the mirror, messy hair and all, i can you see go post a selfie and use the hashtag #PNPerfection so I can see lol!
If you couldn’t tell I am big on the self-love, my faith and the optimistic outlook on life. I believe in loving yourself first before pouring into others, sweet baby Jesus is my rock, and a relationship with a higher being whoever that may be to you is so important…cuz I’m not tryna hold the weight of the world on my shoulders idk about you. & creating what you want in the world with a strong mindset is so powerful. Manifest what you want, meditate on what you believe and work hard to turn your dreams into a reality…how you think I got to where I am today, I’ll let you ponder it for a minute...
I could keep going on and on but that will even bore me to tears. So how about we get to know each other instead! Send me an email to know more about the business side or follow my social media platforms for more into my life full of Christ, Candid’s, Coffee and Cats.