To the one who is keeps doubting their power -

what are you waiting for,

what’s stopping you?

these are questions to ask yourself when doubt creeps into any and every situation...

and after you answer them , throw that shit out the window and just go for it. 

you have got to STOP letting fear and doubt control the outcome of your hopes, dreams and goals.

the worst thing that can happen is —


you either progress towards something you want, or you learn what didn’t work THIS time...

BUT you don’t give up, EVER.

because if you are actively working towards, and in a constant state of belief that you know without a doubt that you will accomplish something, then damn it that is what the hell is going to happen.

so keep going.

you’re worth so much more than the excuses you give yourself every single day about why you can do something. 

this is just a reminder to prove yourself wrong.

