Incase you needed a little reminder to have Faith//

so often we count ourselves out because we feel like we are not worthy of doing or being greater —

but i am here to tell you that you were put on this earth to do so much more than just live through the motions and go day by day wondering what your purpose is and questioning your strength.

we were put here to share our testimonies , inspires those around us and live life the way He intended us to. so please stop doubting your greatness. you are so much more than the limitations you place on your false beliefs.

until then i am here to encourage you the way i was meant to...with my words. know that you are worthy and loved no matter what you are going through and no matter what season you are in.

you’ll get through this, always. 

all it takes is — ‬

one thought

‪one idea‬

‪one moment of your undivided attention‬

‪one small step in the direction of your dream‬

‪one big leap of faith‬
‪for your fears to be silenced and for that one period of time to make that one change in your life...‬


watch as your spark of hope grows into something bigger than you could have ever imagined ‬
‪to inspire that one person to do the same exact thing‬

watch as that ripple effect grows into a light that shines even into the darkest of places.‬
‪and you could be the one to set it off...‬

‪so what is that one thing holding you back?‬

‪drop it. release it. do not let it keep you imprisoned ‬
‪you were made for this one thing

now go out and do it. embody it. be it.

if you want it, go and get it —
whether it’s that new job. quitting a current one that makes you unhappy, or simply pursuing your passion.

stop doubting + stop making excuses. 
work hard. do good onto others. spread your light.

it’s that simple.

if my goals and purpose does not serve those around me then it means nothing, and i am wasting the calling i have on my life.

strive to reach your dreams and inspire others along the way. touch others in a way that helps them realize their true potential in life.

keep pushing and pursuing to fill others with light and watch how your light reaches even the darkest places in even the most broken hearts.

— my philosophy. my calling. only by the grace of God.—